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In the world of esports, there are many dedicated parents who support their children’s dreams of becoming professional players. One such father is known as the “League of Legends Dad” or “电竞爸爸” in Chinese. This article will explore the story of how this dad supported his son in pursuing a career in the League of Legends professional scene.

The Early Years

When his son first showed an interest in playing League of Legends, the father was initially hesitant. Like many parents, he was worried that gaming would distract his son from his studies and negatively impact his academic performance. However, as he watched his son play the game, he began to realize that there was a lot of strategy and teamwork involved. He encouraged his son to keep playing and even started playing the game himself to better understand his son’s passion.

The Path to Professional Play

As his son’s skill level in League of Legends grew,电竞俱乐部 the father began to see the potential for a career in esports. He did his own research on the scene and realized that there were legitimate professional opportunities in the esports industry. To support his son’s dream of becoming a professional player, the father made sacrifices to ensure his son had the resources he needed to improve his skills. He invested in better equipment and high-speed internet, and even arranged for his son to receive coaching from a professional player.

The Challenges Along the Way

Of course, the path to becoming a professional esports player is not easy. The father and son faced many challenges along the way. One major obstacle was the negative stigma associated with gaming in China. The father had to defend his son’s passion for esports to other family members and friends who criticized him for not focusing on academic studies. Another challenge was the grueling practice schedule required to compete at a professional level. The father had to strike a delicate balance between supporting his son’s dream and ensuring he was not neglecting his studies and other responsibilities.

A Proud Moment

Despite the challenges, the father’s dedication and support paid off when his son was offered a spot on a professional League of Legends team. The father was overjoyed and proud of his son’s accomplishment. He had supported his son’s dream from the very beginning and now, seeing his son succeed, he knew that it had been worth it.


The “League of Legends Dad” is an excellent example of a parent who supported their child’s passion for esports and helped them achieve their dreams. It’s important to understand that being an esports player is a legitimate career path that requires dedication, hard work, and support. Parents and families can play an important role in helping their children pursue their passions and achieve their goals.


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